LOVE Yourself: Patty Hoffpauir


Honestly, I can’t remember when I first met Patty (years ago!), but I knew instantly that she was a kind human.  Patty is a loyal leader in our local fashion community.  Her beautiful store, The Garden Room, has been in Austin for over 25 years.  She is the most approachable, loving, FUN, customer service minded, fashionable, smart, community centered and consistent woman.  In my opinion, key qualities for someone that truly LOVES themselves!

When you walk into The Garden Room, you feel welcomed instantly.  It doesn’t matter if you have been shopping there for years or it’s your first time.  Patty and her team can tell you a story for every brand in their store…The family business behind the garment, the Italian village it came from, the fit, who it flatters and I could go on and on.  They truly represent the opposite of fast fashion!!!

It was during a recent conversation over body image in her store that I knew I must have Patty on our LOVE Yourself series.  When you have been dressing women for YEARS like Patti has, you see it ALL when it comes to body image.  As you read below, you will see how a woman with such confidence has learned to love her body as it is.  AND I hope to encourage everyone through this series that we should all be embracing ourselves as we are.  I just adore this woman and I know you will too!  

1.What does LOVE Yourself mean to you?

LOVE Yourself to me means exactly that…I love myself just the way I was created by two people who loved deeply.  Loving myself is a reciprocal result of that love as it should be!

2. Did you have a someone that exuded a positive body image for you growing up?  A family member, friend, mentor, etc.

Both of my parents and grandparents were tall people. Growing up and being the tallest (or nearly the tallest) brought a certain amount of anxiety when it came to male friends who did not share that gene!  My mother and her 3 sisters all were stunning in group because they stood out in a crowd not only because they were tall but because they carried themselves with such confidence and grace.

3.  Do you tear your body apart vocally?

I try not tear myself up about being short-waisted (and thick-waisted) or maybe it is because I have narrow shoulders…if I had broader shoulders my waist would appear smaller.  If I begin to think that way, I remind myself that I have long legs and that is the trade off! And strong legs going into “old age“ is a good thing……..

4. Are you working to improve your mindset around body image or is it a neutral mindset for you?

Being in retail and being exposed to beautiful clothing I wish I could simply put anything on and have it look fabulous on me.  That is not the case.  I get much joy seeing things that cannot possibly look good on my body but look amazing on a customer I am helping.

5. Do you have anyone that you are trying to set a healthy example for 

I try to set an example of a healthy attitude to my children and husband… and now grandchildren.  Being a breast cancer survivor has taught me to love my body as it is, protect it, and nourish it with habits that sustain it.  I rejoice in the fact that my body recovered and that I am still walking around in my short-waisted but long-legged body. ☺ 

Elizabeth Elias