How To Find Your Style

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Why is finding your personal style so important? This month is all about learning and incorporating your personal style into your daily dress and wardrobe. Not only does learning your personal style help save time with getting ready in the morning, it will save you money while shopping for clothes by eliminating purchasing items that don’t match your style.

Here are some tips on starting to define your personal style:  

1.Choose from different types of style. I have a list of styles I ask all my new clients to choose from when we begin working together. They can choose multiple categories off the list or just one if they feel it is all they need to define their style. I have also given this list to everyone subscribed to my EEC Fashion Forward Program. This is the first step in starting to define your style. 

2.Find your people. Make a list of people whose style you admire. This can be celebrities, your friends, anyone whose style you love! See how these styles compare to what you have defined as your style. Is it the same or is it different? 

3.Point out your confident pieces. Now look into your own closet and find the pieces that make you feel most confident. Ask yourself how you feel when you wear those items? Are you happy and feel full of energy? Do those fit the styles you defined at the beginning?

This is just the beginning of how to define your style. These three steps are all helpful tools in getting you started. To learn more and finish defining your personal style sign up for my EEC Fashion Forward Program and I will give you the bonus of all this month’s takeaways on Finding Your Style without any added cost: 

With LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias