LOVE Yourself: Ami Patel

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As I started this LOVE yourself blog series, I started exploring who I wanted to ask to join as a guest blogger.  As I thought of my clients, I very quickly came up with Ami Patel.  Ami has been a client for years and she is one of the most pleasant people I know.  She is always happy, working toward improving herself and just living life to the fullest.  We have become friends over the years and I’m incredibly thankful to have her in my life.  Most importantly, she stood out as one of my clients that doesn’t tear her body apart.  At least I never hear her complain about her body out loud and honestly that is rare in my business.  This series is to celebrate those that are on a positive body image journey and help us all to raise the bar in being kind to ourselves.  

1. What does LOVE yourself mean to you?

What a wonderful question and a great one to reflect upon.  In that deep reflective way, I would have to say, to truly love yourself is to give yourself the grace you deserve in those moments that aren’t your personal best.  Be kind to yourself and treat yourself with love and compassion.  Embrace your imperfections and insecurities and help yourself improve upon them in ways that are positive.  I read something that really resonated, we all will always find fault within ourselves, but hopefully, as we grow and LOVE ourselves, we soften our inner critical voice so we can hear that voice that is cheering us on.  WE are Strong, we are beautiful & we are blessed. 

2. Did you have a someone that exuded a positive body image for you growing up?

I grew up with a mom that was that woman in the room that exuded inner radiance.  She glowed from within, aged with grace and was so charming.  I thought she was the definition of beautiful but she also wasn’t fussy or critical of herself that I can recall.  I wish I could ask her what she thought of body image and how much space it occupied in her head.  

3. Do you tear your body apart vocally?

I also grew up with a dad that thought beautiful women had to be skinny.  It is the characteristic I cringe most about him.  I am so glad his voice didn’t stick in my head on repeat. My body is changing, it does as we age, with all the life events that naturally happen.  My inner critical voice isn’t as strong as it used to be, but I do hear it at times.  I also hear the voice that says, this body did give birth to two beautiful babies and survived cancer, so it is a wonder and I should treat it kindly.  That being said, I love how we have so many ways to improve ourselves to be the best version of how we want to be, it can be anything from self-help books, gym memberships, cosmetic professionals, stylists, Instagram and countless other ways.  There are so many different ways we can address what we tear apart about our-self and I’m not opposed to seeking them out.  For example, I used to be that person that had a huge pile of clothes on the floor from trying on everything in my closet because I didn’t know what made me feel good about myself.  I gifted myself that gift of having Elizabeth help me find my personal style in clothes that fit my body.  I love how much more confident I am in my style.  I’m still me, just a better version.  Another example, after going through breast cancer treatment, I was really down on my body, I had gained some weight and felt weak.  I’m not a gym rat so I gifted myself a trainer to come over twice a week to work out with me for a few months.  It was definitely an investment, but it was an investment in ME!  Months down the road, I’m definitely stronger!!!  

4. Are you working to improve your mindset around body image or is it a neutral mindset for you?

I am always working on improving myself. 

5. Do you have anyone that you are trying to set a healthy example for?

I do, I have two amazing teenage daughters.  I want them to be kind to themselves and love themselves.  I know they will have their own versions of insecurities about their body, its normal but hopefully that voice isn’t as loud.  

with LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias