Why it’s important to have your OWN Style


We shouldn’t all want to look alike, right!?! In my world, I notice how friends, clients, etc. will copy exact looks from the mannequin, blogger, pinterest, magazine, BFF, etc.  Honestly, it’s not a fashion felony to do this.  In fact, we all get inspiration from various place.  I certainly get inspired from these sources myself.  However, it’s when everyday our look is basically duplicating our “inspiration”.  Maybe we should just take bits and pieces from our inspirational sources to help us spring into creating our own version?  

My adorable intern was just commenting on how she never noticed how all the bloggers look alike.  I was like AMEN!!!!  Now that is a general statement and there is definitely some that don’t look alike.  I don’t want to dog the bloggers by any means, but merrily want to point out an observation.

We live in the age of the influencer.  Social media can be a really great tool, but if we don’t watch it we are all going to be like little puppets walking around looking exactly the same.  Just bobbing around wearing all the same clothes that the bloggers push through our phones.

I realize that some people copy the bloggers because creating outfits is not their strong suit.  I totally get it.  I promise you that it’s possible to create an authentic look for yourself with just a few simple tweaks.  It takes a little effort, but honestly you can use the time that you spend going down the rabbit hole of Instagram or Pinterest to explore your OWN individual style, create and define your style.

I’m here to encourage you to think about your own style and question if you have defined your style.

If you are interested in exploring this topic, we are covering this exact topic on EEC Fashion Forward this month.  Click here https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=19582773

if you are interested in signing up.   

with LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias