LOVE Yourself: Nad Elias


I started this series to bring a little more SELF LOVE to the world by highlighting those that exude a great self-confidence.  From the first day I met Nad, he has always carried himself with such strong assurance.  In fact, I think it might be just something in the Elias family bloodline…they all seem to live with a strong sense of self.  I’m pretty sure both of my kiddos inherited that gene!  And I’m SO grateful for that!

While my audience is mostly women, I thought highlighting a man could bring a different perspective.  In my opinion, women should look internally to find ways to LOVE yourself.  However, there is no doubt that the men that we are closest to have a major influence in our lives.  I’m very thankful to have Nad as my partner in this life as he truly brings out the best in me.  A major part of that is rooted in his confidence in himself and his desire to instill that confident mindset within our family.

1.What does LOVEyourself mean to you?

To me, it’s about being confident in who you are.  We’re put on this Earth with one body; comes with a nose, two ears, a mouth, two hands and two feet.  No “body” is the same, and it’s up to us to do what we can with it while we’re on this Earth

2.Did you have someone that exuded a positive body image for you growing up?  Friend, mentor, etc.

This is an interesting one.  Growing up, I wanted to play every sport I could all the time.  I still love team sports and play when I can.  To me, athletes exude the positive body image that I looked up too.  I was a big fan of Andre Agassi growing up.  His work ethic on the tennis court and his conditioning was unheard of for a tennis player.  There were better tennis players, but he changed the game with his conditioning and was able to play and be competitive until his late 30’s.  As a young adult and still today, it’s Tom Brady.  My wife knows the man crush I have on him.  He has never been the best athlete, but he was confident in what he could do, and he continues to transform his body to be the best at what he does.  He also absolutely and unequivocally gets the most out of his body’s potential, and that’s something to admire

3.Do you tear your body apart vocally?

No, I get frustrated that it’s harder stay in shape the older I get, and I suck in the gut a little more than I used too, but it’s not something I feel the need to vocalize.

4.Are you working to improve your mindset around body image or is it a neutral mindset for you?

Not really; I’m pretty confident in my own skin.  I don’t feel the need to improve my mindset around body image, but I do feel the need to improve my body image.  There’s always more we can do, and it just takes commitment.  We can work out more, eat better, drink less, and push our body’s limits no matter how old we get.  That’s where I feel there’s plenty of room to improve.

5.Do you have anyone that you are trying to set a healthy example for?

Definitely our two children; Jonathan and Isabella.  I want them to understand how important it is to be confident in their own skin.  We do our best to teach them a healthy lifestyle while also letting them be kids.  My wife is great about this, and we talk to them about the importance of exercise; eating proteins and vegetable while limiting sugars.  That said, they also know how to properly order a DQ Blizzard when we’re in the mood! ☺

with LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias