No Control, YES Control


As Covid cases rise again, it feels like we are back to March.  As American’s we are used to having “control” over our life, or at least we think we do.  With our current times, it certainly feels like we have no control.  No control over any of the following: mask, school, work, grocery shopping, travel, harsh opinions, social injustice, defunding the police, politics, and I could go on and on.

As a positive person, I like to focus on what I can CONTROL.  I like to focus on what brings me happiness.  We can sit and dwell on things right now OR we can make the most out of the situation.  So naturally my mind goes to what brings me Joy: creating and fashion.  I’ve noticed that I have been channeling my creative juices towards projects in my home.  Every little project (even the manual work in my yard) brings me happiness and a sense of progress and CONTROL.

While fashion and individual style (hello masks!), looks a little different this summer we still have an opportunity to CONTROL this part of our lives.  I realize that so many people don’t see the point of getting dressed these days.  They are staying home, not seeing people, probably battling some depression and honestly scared.  I’m here to encourage you to push yourself to get dressed each day.  I know it doesn’t seem important compared to everything right now, but I promise it is!  It’s just like every morning when I roll out of bed, I don’t really want to get up early to go work out.  However, I push myself because I know I have a CHOICE to do something that will impact my life in a positive way.  In this day and age, you have a CHOICE to get dressed to impact your life in a positive way.

If you’re not buying what I’m selling here, let me explain the domino effect of getting dressed can have on your life:

  1. Routine-We crave routine and stability.  Prior to Covid, most of us had a “normal” routine to get dressed in the morning before we headed out to conquer the day.  I believe we should keep that routine even if you aren’t leaving the house.  Now more than ever, we need to conquer the day!  This routine is something we can control even if we don’t have control over other things.

  2. Dress to perform-Research shows that the clothes you wear actually change the way you perform.  Even if you are working from home you should still dress the part.  With unemployment so high, now more than ever we truly need to perform at work and it starts with getting dressed.

  3. Mental Health-Don’t discount the power of getting dressed and how it can affect your mental health.  As humans, we crave connection.  So many people are suffering from isolation and truly battle mental health challenges.  There are many things we can do to support our mental health and I believe getting dressed is one portion of support.

  4. Brings you power-Taking the extra time to get dressed actually pays off in the power it brings you. I’m not suggesting you put on a power suit, but perhaps something that has a zipper or anything without elastic.  Also, don’t forget to wear your power colors right now!  These are small steps in the right direction.  Getting dressed is an act of power, respect (for yourself and others), CONTROL and happiness!!!  

Let’s be honest, I don’t get dressed every single day.  However, I do aim to get dressed during the week as if it’s a “normal week.”  The weekends are more relaxed and lazy.  Try it one day and just see the impact it makes on your day.  If nothing else, I hope you feel like you have a little CONTROL with the simple act of getting dressed.  

with LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias