LOVE Yourself: Ana Maria Qualman

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I met Ana Maria 2 years ago when our daughters were in the same kinder class.  The girls became great friends after being in class together in kinder and first grade.  For all of you mothers I’m sure you can relate when I say that I don’t necessarily become friends with all of my kids’ friend’s parents.  I’m not trying to be rude, but I personally have become laser focused on how I want to spend my time.  I honestly focus on surrounding myself with positive healthy minded individuals. Ana Maria is that to a T!

Ana Maria has the BEST energy and always a breath of fresh air!  She has this zest for life that is fueled by traveling the world.  She exudes a wonderful balance of work hard play hard.  She and her husband have created an extremely impressive business Equalman yet they are so humble and generous individuals.  I could go on and on about how wonderful this beautiful soul is, but most importantly I personally feel that she has a healthy mindset on how to LOVE yourself.        

1. What does LOVEyourself mean to you?

As a working mom, the concept of LOVEyourself evolves as I continue to search for the right work-life harmony. One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is understanding to respect capacity. If you don’t take control of your schedule and your time, everyone else will. My priorities:

1.    The children

2.    My husband

3.    Our business

Fencing off specific blocks of time to enjoy with my daughters and husband allows me to better focus on the business. I’ve realized that by doing this, I then have time to spend on equally important things that nurture my soul like friends, extended family, exercise etc. By not losing sight of my priorities, it has forced me to say “No” to activities that would otherwise consume my time and yield little in return. 

2. Did you have a someone that exuded a positive body image for you growing up?  A family member, friend, mentor, etc.

My parents. They have always emphasized, “that which is most important is found in the inside.”

3. Do you tear your body apart vocally?

No. In fact, both my husband and I make a conscious effort not to talk about weight, calories or body image in front of our daughters. 

4. Are you working to improve your mindset around body image or is it a neutral mindset for you?

I would side with having a neutral mindset around body image but do find that it’s important to look fit and feel healthy. There is something to be said about the old adage “look good, feel good.” Most importantly, I believe in positive attitude and positive thinking. Embodying an “attitude of gratitude” mindset can shift your outlook and the impact you can have on others.

5. Do you have anyone that you are trying to set a healthy example for? 

Most certainly! My 7 and 9-year-old daughters. My husband and I strive to create an environment and atmosphere that when our daughters no longer have to be with us, or each other, they choose to because they enjoy it.  Our goal is to enjoy being around each other as husband and wife long after the children have left the house.

with LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias