TOP 2 Organizing Steps

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We don’t know what we don’t know.  Right?  So when I walk into a closet that isn’t organized I never make judgements on the space.  I just think they don’t know any other way AND I’m SO EXCITED to share my top 2 organizing steps that will change your life.  It’s such an AH HA moment, that I can’t share and encourage everyone enough to make these changes in all closets in the world.  Wink wink!  I’ve said it before and will say it again.  Sometimes we need to hear things a couple of times before it sinks in and we are ready to take action.  

  1. HANGERS-Matching hangers. Matching hangers, but also the same color hangers.  So if you get all wooden hangers, please make sure they are all the light or dark wood.  Same thing with the velvet hangers (not a mixture of the taupe & black) and the tubular hangers.  The main reason to have matching hangers is so it neutralizes the space and it’s not so “busy” when you look for your clothes each day.  Also, all the clothes will be hanging at the same level and it streamlines the closet.  It’s a major game changer!  Promise!

  2. COLOR COORDINATING-White.Black.Gray.Brown.Violet.Indigo.Blue.Green.Yellow.Orange.Red     This is the next major game changer.  Again, it streamlines things and makes it easy to get dressed.  When you are looking for a black top you know exactly what section to go to.  I recommend color coordinating each section in your closet.  For example, my shirts are color coordinated and then my jeans and then my dresses and then my sweaters.  Apply it to  every section of clothing.  

Now RUN and go do these steps in your closet right now!  I promise you will love these changes.  AND I would love to hear from you after you make these changes to see what you think.  If you reach out to me, I will share one more tip to do next that refines the organizing a bit more.  Can you tell how much I LOVE organizing???

HAPPY Organizing Friends!!!

with LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias