5 Ways to Prep for the Holidays


It’s October and the holidays are stacked up high over the next 3 months.  At this point in 2020, I personally want to celebrate anything and EVERYTHING!!!! Celebrations mean different things to all of us, but for me it’s about family, friends, food, and FASHION!!!  Each year I try to refine my efforts in prepping for the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.  Mainly so I’m not as frazzled as I was the year before and so I can truly relish in all the FUN with my kiddos.  So as your wardrobe professional, I’m here to share how I prep my wardrobe for the upcoming festivities:

1.Make a List-Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah.  Then for each holiday I make a list of the festivities. For example, 


      1. Kid’s Classroom Party-Casual Shirt

      2. Company work Party-Full Outfit

      3. Neighborhood Dinner Party-Dressy Casual Outfit

      4. Christmas Eve-Church Outfit

      5. Christmas Day-Casual Outfit

2.Shopping List-Then create your shopping list based on your needs for this year’s festivities.  I even take it a step further and write in specific stores (online and locally) where I will shop for each item.  Personally, I have my go to stores that I know will have the holiday pieces that I’m looking for.  This really helps to streamline the process and knock it out efficiently.  Also, don’t forget to compare this shopping list to what you already have in your wardrobe.  This ensures you are not buying the same type of item twice.

3.Call Ahead-This year is so off on when merchandise is arriving for the retailers.  Be sure to call your favorite stores to see when they are expecting their holiday merchandise.

4.Block out the time to shop-Once you know when holiday merchandise will arrive, be sure to book an appointment with yourself (or your favorite Wardrobe Consultant, wink wink!) to do your holiday shopping.  As women, we tend to take care of everyone else and all the holiday gifts, parties, decorations, etc.   So often, we leave ourselves to the last second.  If you are prepping ahead of time and block the time out now, then you are setting yourself up for success.

5.Don’t forget your family-This includes your kids Halloween costumes, pumpkin patch visits, thanksgiving, and all the Christmas/Hanukkah festivities.  And some people like to include their pets in the festive outfits. ☺

All of these tips are designed to help you be strategic in your shopping approach.  Since I clean out closets often, I’m constantly witnessing how often we over consume clothes.  This is a result of many things but I know it’s often from reactively shopping and many times not returning clothes.  I’m here to serve YOU and encourage you to create healthy smart choices when it comes to building your wardrobe.

Now don’t wait too long…now’s the time to PREP for the holidays!!!

with LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias