CLEAN your Closet Efficiently

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As a wardrobe consultant, I focus on the ENTIRE wardrobe.  Most people want to start with shopping because it’s more sexy.  However, if your foundation (aka your closet) is a hot mess how are you able to effectively get dressed every morning?  It feels like in this day and age everyone wants a super quick fix to looking fashionable.  Like most things, you need to put in the work to get the results you want and that is the same with your wardrobe.  So if you have goals to look stylish, I’m going to encourage you to start with cleaning out your closet.  

A couple of quick tips to cleaning out efficiently:

  1. Book the appointment: Once you “book” an appointment with yourself you are committed to make it happen.  It’s the first step.  Be sure to block out 2-3 hours.

  2. Get into the right mindset: The right mindset is coming from a “let’s do this” positive attitude that is honest and realistic with the items in your closet.

  3. Clean out the ENTIRE wardrobe (not just clothes): Your closet clean out should include your clothes, shoes, handbags, hats, jewelry, belts, pashminas/scarfs, undergarments, socks, pjs, workout clothes and all that extra items that have been tucked away in your closet.  You know what I mean, the random things.

  4. Donate/Consign/Mend/Maybe-Pull your clothes out of your closet into 4 piles on your bed.  These are the pieces that you have decided to remove from your closet.

    1. Donate-These pieces aren’t “consign worthy”.

    2. Consign-These pieces don’t work for you anymore but you can potentially make some money on them.

    3. Mend-Look for pieces that have stains, holes, buttons missing or need to be mended in some way.

    4. Maybe-These are the pieces you aren’t 100% sure should be removed.  If you are the fence, put them in this pile.  Then once you have gone through the whole process come back to decide on if you want to remove these.

This month I will be focusing on all things related to cleaning out your closet.  I’m here to consult with you in any shape or form that works for you.  You can expect to consume this content via my social platforms (Instagram, facebook, linkedin, Pinterest), my fabulous subscription program (EEC Fashion Forward), or booking a one on one consultation with me.  I’m here to support your wardrobe goals!!!  Please let me know how I can help!

with LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias