Pros to Working With a Wardrobe Consultant


If you have been following along with my 2020 start you are well aware I’m in the thick of cleaning out every nook and cranny of my home! Like most, I take the beginning of each year to re-group and re-start when it comes to my household and our organizational state. 

So, if you are anything like me, you are knee deep in projects and maybe starting to see an end in sight! 

However, if you are at any other part of the process - Maybe just now thinking about beginning to clean out, or up to your ears in distress and clothing. This blog is for you! 

Something most don’t think about when cleaning out their closets is how hiring a wardrobe consultant can really help with the process, and here is why: 

  1. POINT OF VIEW. Organization is a huge part of getting your closets in order. But bringing in a wardrobe consultant gives another point of view. I don’t just re-organize my clients closets. I take time to clean out their shelves, find the things no longer serving them, and redirect their style.  So while we are cleaning out we are discussing long term plans on utilizing what’s in the closet and what we need to shop for to create a versatile wardrobe.  

  2. BEYOND THE BOX. Using a wardrobe consultant to clean out your closet goes beyond just putting things back into your closet. I love adding a touch of beauty into your dressing area with photos and gorgeous trays just to name a few. Little touches that go a long way to help my clients feel CONFIDENT when they leave their closet! 

  3. FINISHING TOUCHES. Wardrobe consultants go the extra mile in cleaning out a closet to take all those clothes we talked about earlier (the ones no longer fitting into your life) and bring them where they now need to be. I.e: consignment shop or donated.  

HAPPY cleaning! And if you find yourself needing help, check out this month’s EEC Fashion Forward subscription for just $20 to get even more tips and tricks on closet cleanouts: And of course, I can come to your home to help you clean out in person.  Please let me know how I can help!

With LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias