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If you have been reading up and following along with our color journey this month, you are now familiar with the basics of why knowing your colors is important. And if you are following along with EEC Fashion Forward you are well on your way to getting your clothes in order for your new color palette. 

However, this is where I think it is important to take a second! If you have ever gotten your colors done before, you have probably gotten to the point where you know your power colors (those that suit you best), and don’t really know what you do with your neutral colors (those that might not compliment you as well). This is where knowing your colors COULD get nerve wracking, but I’m here to tell you why it shouldn’t be: 

  1. YOU DON’T HAVE TO THROW AWAY NEUTRALS - A big misconception when learning your colors is that you can only wear your power colors. This is FAR from the truth! Don’t go throwing away colors that might not look best on you. It is all about learning how to use them in the right way! 

  2. LEARN HOW TO COLOR BLOCK - One easy way to keep your neutral colors in your wardrobe is by learning how to color block in a new way. Keep your power colors up close by your face to make for a brighter glow, and bring your neutral colors lower to the bottom half of your body. 

  3. ALWAYS ACCESSORIZE - It can be tough when your favorite colors don’t end up being your power colors… Don’t think you have to throw those out the window, you can always accessorize in colors that are more of your neutral pallet! 

So, now that you have a little piece of mind behind finding out your colors… Who wants to give it a try? Email me to book:

Elizabeth Elias