

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I find it incredibly important not to lose sight of the meaning behind our holidays.  November hits and all of sudden the craziness of the stores takes over before Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I mean I tried to get some adorable felt garland from Trader Joes last Tuesday (11/19!!!!!) that a girlfriend posted on Instagram just the day before….AND they were totally out.  SO ANNOYING!!!  Shake it off Elizabeth.  That garland is not going to make your Christmas Special. ☺  Your family and the one-on-one connections with your loved ones (friends, family, clients) are all that matters during the holidays.

My prayers and our prayers with the kiddos always start from a grateful heart.  “Thank you for keeping our family healthy and strong.  Thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for the opportunity to go to school.  Thank for the opportunity for mommy and daddy to be able to work.”  I truly believe when your mindset is from a grateful and thankful perspective you are grounded in what truly matters.  It’s very easy to lose site of that in the world we live in today.

Today I’m so incredibly grateful for YOU and for your support in my work that I’m so passionate about.  I’m thankful that you are following me on this journey and your engagement with my work.  You have no idea how much it means to me when you comment on my social posts, respond to my emails/blogs, and simple tell me in person how much you enjoy what I’m sharing with the world.  I’m here to serve YOU and help women feel CONFIDENT through their wardrobe one person at a time.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

with LOVE and grace,


Elizabeth Elias