On To The Organizing
HAPPY February Friends! After a MAJOR purging in January, I’m hyper focused on organizing this month (personally & professionally). While most people see the value in this, the reality is some individuals could care less. If I’m being honest, my hubby and kiddos are in the later, and that KILLS me!! It’s like the saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” If you’ve always lived with chaos in your closet, you don’t realize the beauty of a well-organized space.
If you’re unsure the value of organizing, let me share with you what you should expect in return. Your ROI if you will for those business minded people. First and foremost, a clutter free closet… which means a clutter free mind for me. It streamlines getting dressed each day and cuts a lot of the extra noise in a SUPER busy world we live in. Secondly, an organized closet can save you time and $$$. If everything is in its place you don’t waste time hunting for your favorite shirt. Likewise, if things are orderly you can see everything and will have access to your clothes. Too often in a jammed packed closet, I find my clients have items tucked back behind others or still with tags on them. Therefor wasting hard earned money. Lastly, I often decrease the footprint of items in my clients closet once things are organized. With multiple small shifts (for example: matching hangers, organizing jewels, pulling out unused hangers), I’m able to utilize wasted space and maximize their closet.
For those of you wanting to join the organized bandwagon (Please do!), I’m sharing my TOP 5 Organizing Tips that make the most impact in your closet:
· Matching hangers-This is the BIGGEST game changer for many reasons. It creates a neutral palette and all your clothes can hang at the same level. Be sure to purchase the same color hanger (for example, the velvet hangers come is a wide range of colors and you don’t want a rainbow of hangers to add extra noise to your busy closet). It also typically helps you gain some space. When you have different types of hangers they don’t all seem to flow together —they are typically fighting directions.
· Color Coordinating-This is another one that I don’t think people realize the importance and impact it can have on getting dressed daily. It completely streamlines finding the right color piece instead ruffling through the entire closet.
· Clothes Placement-Within each color block, I organize in the following flow of sleeves: Cami->Sleeveless->Short Sleeve->Three Quarter->Long Sleeve. Do it, I promise you won’t be disappointed!!
· Jewelry-Every closet is different so here are my GO TO organizing tools for jewels: Lacquer Trays. Beautiful Jewelry Boxes. Stackable Jewelry Boxes. Bracelet Stands. Most importantly, choose an area that you can organize everything together. So often my clients will have jewelry scattered in multiple spots between their closet and bathroom (1 spot in the closet, 3 drawers in the bathroom, 2 jewelry bowls on their nightstand, 1 jewelry dish by the kitchen sink, etc.). Out of sight, out of mind. Also, be sure to create a set up that allows you to wear your “real jewels”. Add a safety box in your closet or add a lock to jewelry drawer.
· Extra Hangers-Pull those extra hangers off the rack when you pull a shirt, etc. Find a place to store those hangers in between wears. Nothing clutters a closet faster than unused hangers in the mix. Trust me!
Every closet design is different so I use different tools to organize each closet individually. I wanted to share some of my FAV organizing tools:
· For undergarment drawer OR sock drawer https://www.containerstore.com/s/closet/closet-drawer-organizers/clear-expandable-drawer-dividers/12d?productId=11003304
· For purses https://www.containerstore.com/s/closet/drawers/clear-stackable-sweater-drawer/12d?productId=10000153
HAPPY Organizing!
with LOVE and grace,