It’s a new year and though we are hearing a lot about new eating habits and new exercise plans, I want to talk about something else new. A new fresh look on your closet! I know, I know. It feels like a daunting task. But having a clean closet and a better idea of how to complete our 2018 wardrobe does put your year off to a better start.
So, to get you started, here are just a few tips to help along the process:
1. Invite an impartial party into your closet to help you clean out. Wardrobe Consultants will save you time and energy as they know how to be efficient with this process. However, if you don’t have it in your budget to hire a professional, invite a girlfriend that’s not afraid to be honest but will be kind at the same time.
2. If you haven’t worn a piece since you cleaned out last time, it’s time to let it go. Ideally you are cleaning out your closet twice a year, so it should be somewhat fresh in your mind if you haven’t left your house in a piece. That’s a sign its time to say farewell.
3. If you are a sentimental person, store all those special pieces (i.e. wedding dress, dress you wore on your first date w/hubby, your high school prom outfit) outside of your closet. If you don’t have an extra closet, box those pieces up to store in the attic. I just adore all of my mother and aunt’s vintage pieces they saved for me, but they don’t take up space in my closet because I don’t wear them on a regular basis. Your closet should be reserved for pieces you wear daily.
And for those still scared to tackle this mountain, I am your closet cleanout girl! Email me for more information: